Should Japan stop using nuclear power?
The very austerity of this topic has been prevalent across the nuclear powered nations across the globe in the light of the nuclear crisis that we are witnessing in Japan. Recently, The Daily Yomiuri had called in for views from its readers forum. Here is my piece of views.
The world nations always had a choice between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. During 1920s, coal accounted for the maximum part of total energy supply of the world. Later in early 1990s, its share dropped to only 26%, while 40% of the worlds energy needs was taken by oil. Due to the technology immaturity or cost ineffectiveness of the renewable energy generation methodologies in those eras, non-renewable sources from fossil fuels were observed as a reliable source of energy and huge investments were made for domestic and industrial uses.
As the concerns of green house emissions ruled the world and with the advent of the nuclear age, nuclear power was considered as a more reliable and clean source of energy. The developing countries are trying to invest in nuclear power to circumvent their power shortages and it has become the popular, status quotient and state of the art in power generation and it’s a dream for many developing and under developed nations.
Now, the concern today is not only green house emissions but a safer future world for our future generations.
Different types of renewable energy are Solar, Wind, Biomass, Hydropower and Geothermal. Japan has deferred the usage of this energy though it has invested fairly on its research.
Solar energy usage needs more promotion with more innovations.
Wind energy is best tapped in coastal and mountain areas. Japan has vast of its geography on this front and not much of this energy is tapped for its use.
Research on Biomass energy has not been tapped fully.
Hydropower and geothermal power are hardly realized.
With the above pretext I will further ponder on as if Japan should stop nuclear power.
Should Japan stop using nuclear power?
Yes, if we have a choice, Japan should stop nuclear power and should turn to renewable energy sources from Solar, Wind, Biomass, Hydropower and Geothermal. There have been huge advances which have occurred in each of these energy sources and it’s time to closely review these options and invest in necessary R&D for a bright future.
With the light of nuclear usage seen across the globe over the usage of fossil fuels, the nuclear crisis over the previous decades was due to human error and today we are witnessing another crisis which arose due to a natural disaster. Mankind is driven to make choices and necessity has been the mother of all inventions.
Japan, with its geographic over 4 tectonic plates need to change or transform to a more reliable, clean and Safe form of energy.
We are trying to answer is not just 30% of power from nuclear energy; we are searching a choice for the following:
1. A better world for the energy needs which is reliable, clean, safe and self-reliant.
2. A peaceful world without energy wars that we saw in the previous century.
3. A beautiful world to create energy and can love and preserve the Nature.
4. A world safe even in dire disaster must be ensured to the future of Japan.
Need of the hour for Japan on energy front:
1. Decentralize power generation to the maximum extent and develop domestic self reliance to power should be realized. Prefecture’s self reliance in power needs provide wide set of options to recover natural disasters.
2. Japan should turn 100% to renewable source of energy and become self reliant for an economic stability unaffected by political disturbances across the globe.
3. Japan to use its diverse geography to create energy from all possible renewable sources
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